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(국영문 동시 배포) 국립고궁박물관, 궁중회화 7점 새로 걸다

- 궁중서화실, 상상속 궁궐 그린 한궁도 5점 등 하반기 전시 정비 -

  문화재청 국립고궁박물관(관장 김동영)은 하반기를 맞이하여 전시관 지하 1층에 자리한 ‘궁중서화실’의 회화 유물을 전면 교체하고 ‘한궁도’, ‘곽분양행락도’, ‘책가도’ 등 총 7점의 유물을 30일부터 관람객에게 새롭게 선보인다.

  이번 전시에서는 국립고궁박물관이 소장한 ‘한궁도(漢宮圖)’ 5점을 한 눈에 볼 수 있어 눈길을 끈다. 조선 후기에 새롭게 출현한 ‘한궁도’는 왕실의 장수와 복록(福祿)을 기원하는 의미를 담고 있는, 실재하는 조선의 궁궐이 아닌 상상의 중국풍 궁궐을 그린 그림이다. ‘한궁도’는 상상의 궁궐과 신비스러운 느낌의 산수가 조화를 이루어 평온한 분위기를 자아낸다. 비슷하면서도 다른 느낌의 ‘한궁도’ 5점은 각각의 특색을 보여주며, 그중에서 서양 화법이 극대화된 작품도 있어 보기 드문 구도와 화려하고도 이국적인 풍경을 느낄 수 있다.

  한편, 국립고궁박물관의 대표 소장품인 ‘책가도’와 2021년에 새롭게 입수한 ‘곽분양행락도’도 함께 전시된다. ‘책가도’는 높은 서가에 책을 가지런히 쌓아놓은 그림으로 실제 서가의 모습을 구현하고 있고, ‘곽분양행락도’는 다복한 삶을 누렸던 중국 당(唐)나라 무장(武將) 곽자의(郭子儀)의 생일잔치 장면을 그린 그림이다.

  또한, 국립고궁박물관은 이번 전시관 개편을 기념해 ‘한궁도’ 속 인상적인 장면을 담은 휴대전화 배경화면을 제작해 박물관 누리집의 ‘궁중서화실’ 안내 공간 (https://gogung.go.kr/perm.do?viewName=perm_ex08)에서 무료로 제공하고 있다. 문화재청 국립고궁박물관은 앞으로도 지속적인 전시 환경 개선을 통해 더욱 쾌적한 관람환경을 조성하도록 노력할 계획이다.

An Invitation to Enjoy New Paintings on Display at the National Palace Museum of Korea:
Seven Royal Court Paintings to Be Presented, including Folding Screen of the Han Palace

The National Palace Museum of Korea (Director: Kim Dong-Young), an affiliate of the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea, will be welcoming visitors to its Paintings and Calligraphy of the Joseon Royal Court gallery (first basement floor). It has been renewed for the second half of the year and the displays have been completely refreshed. A total of seven paintings will be newly presented, including examples of folding screens on the traditional themes of the Han Palace, Guo Ziyi’s enjoyment-of-life banquet, and books and scholar’s accoutrements.

The exhibition offers an opportunity to enjoy all five paintings of the Han Palace in the collection of the museum. This theme of painting, which presents an imaginary palace with Chinese-style buildings, emerged in the late Joseon Dynasty and carries the meaning of wishing for the longevity, happiness, and wealth of the royal court. A total of ten examples survives in Korea, and half of them are in the National Palace Museum of Korea.

A folding screen of the Han Palace is typically characterized by a peaceful atmosphere created through a harmony between fantastical palace buildings and a mystical landscape. Each of the five examples in the museum collection reflects distinct characteristics. One is particularly worthy of note in that it is executed with a number of techniques borrowed from Western-style painting and features an unusual composition with an exquisite exotic landscape.

Also on display are examples on the theme of books and scholar’s accoutrements, which make up a major component of the museum’s collection, and a folding screen depicting Guo Ziyi’s enjoyment-of-life banquet that was newly acquired in 2021. Folding screens of books and scholar’s accoutrements were a type of royal decorative painting depicting a scholar’s study with tall shelves loaded with books. Folding screens on Guo Ziyi’s enjoyment-of-life banquet depict a birthday celebration held for the renowned Tang Chinese general Guo Ziyi, who was considered to have led an exceptionally blissful life.

On the occasion of reopening the gallery, the National Palace Museum of Korea will provide free mobile phone wallpaper that features a notable scene from the Folding Screen of the Han Palace. Visitors can carry away this image to appreciate and enjoy at their leisure.
*Homepage: https://www.gogung.go.kr/perm.do?pLng=en&viewName=perm08

The National Palace Museum of Korea is meticulously operating all its galleries in full compliance with the requirements in place to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19, including facial mask detection and body temperature monitoring. The National Palace Museum of Korea will continue to refine its galleries and provide visitors with more pleasant environments.

[크기변환]2.1.국립고궁박물관 휴대전화 배경_전체(19비율).jpg

<국립고궁박물관 누리집에서 제공되는 휴대폰 배경 화면(궁중서화실 전시유물 중 '한궁도')>

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