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(국영문 동시 배포) 국립고궁박물관, ‘이달(11월)의 추천 유물’로 ‘오대산사고본’ 소개

- 조선왕조실록 오대산사고본 가치와 의미, 공개(온라인 동시)/ 10.31.~ -

  문화재청 국립고궁박물관(관장 김인규)은 조선왕조실록 오대산사고본을 11월의 ’큐레이터 추천 왕실 유물‘로 정해 국립고궁박물관 2층 상설전시장 ’조선의 국왕실‘에서 소개하고, 10월 31일부터 문화재청과 국립고궁박물관 유튜브로 온라인 공개한다.
  * 문화재청 유튜브: https://www.youtube.com/chluvu
  * 국립고궁박물관 유튜브: https://www.youtube.com/gogungmuseum

  『조선왕조실록』은 태조부터 철종 대까지 25대에 걸친 472년(1392~1863)간 있었던 일들을 정리하여 편찬한 국가기록물이다. 실록은 같은 책을 여러 부 만들어 서울의 춘추관, 성주, 충주, 전주의 사고에 나눠 보관했다. 임진왜란(1592년) 당시 전주사고본만 남게 되자 이를 바탕으로 실록 4부를 다시 간행하고, 춘추관, 강화도 마니산, 평안도 묘향산, 경상도 태백산, 강원도 오대산의 사고에 분산 봉안했다. 그중 오대산사고본은 1606년(선조 39년) 무렵 강원도 평창의 오대산사고에 보관하던 실록이다.

  오대산사고에는 본래 총 788책의 실록이 보관되어 있었으나, 현재 75책만이 남아 국립고궁박물관에 소장되어 있다. 75책은『성종실록』9책, 『중종실록』50책, 『선조실록』15책, 『효종실록』1책으로 구성되어 있다. 이번에 소개하는 오대산사고본 중 『성종실록』과『중종실록』은 교정쇄본으로 글자 수정·삭제·첨가 등 다양한 교정 부호와 흔적이 남아있어, 실록을 완간하기 직전의 제작과정을 구체적으로 알 수 있어 문화재적 가치가 높다.
참고로 오대산사고본은 2006년 일본에서 환수하여 올해로 15주년이라 이번 공개에 의미가 더욱 크다.

  전시는 관람인원을 제한하지 않지만 코로나19 확산 방지를 위해 방역수칙을 준수하는 가운데 진행된다. 또한, 직접 방문하지 않아도 국민 누구나 볼 수 있도록 국립고궁박물관 누리집(gogung.go.kr)과 문화재청과 국립고궁박물관 유튜브에서 국·영문 자막과 함께 해설영상도 공개한다.
  * 문화재청 유튜브: https://www.youtube.com/chluvu
  * 국립고궁박물관 유튜브: https://www.youtube.com/gogungmuseum

The National Palace Museum of Korea Presents the “Annals of the Joseon Dynasty from the National History Archive on Odaesan Mountain” as the Curator’s Choice for November

- The Significance of the Odaesan Edition of the Annals to Be Presented in the Gallery and Online / Starting October 31-

The National Palace Museum of Korea (Director: Kim In Kyu), an affiliate of the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea, has selected the edition of the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty that was housed at the National History Archive on Odaesan Mountain as its “Curator’s Choice from the Royal Treasures” for the month of November. In addition to being displayed in the Kings of the Joseon Dynasty permanent gallery on the second floor of the museum, the Odaesan edition will be presented virtually in a YouTube broadcast through the channels of the Cultural Heritage Administration and the National Palace Museum of Korea starting October 31.
* National Palace Museum of Korea YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/gogungmuseum
** Cultural Heritage Administration YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/chluvu

Known in Korean as Joseon wangjo sillok, the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty is a form of national documentary heritage detailing the reigns of Korea’s kings over a period of 472 years (1392 – 1863) spanning from the reign of the first sovereign King Taejo to the twenty-fifth, King Cheoljong. Multiple sets of the annals were produced and separately stored at the Chunchugwan (Bureau of State Records) in Seoul and also at the history archives in Seongju, Chungju, and Jeonju. However, all of the existing copies except the versions stored in Jeonju were lost during the first Japanese Invasion of Korea (1592). Four new editions of the annals were made based on this surviving Jeonju edition. The Jeonju edition and the four newly produced copies were stored at the Chunchugwan in Seoul and in regional history archives established on Manisan Mountain on Ganghwado Island, Myohyangsan Mountain in Pyongan-do Province, Taebaeksan Mountain in Gyeongsang-do Province, and Odaesan Mountain in Gangwon-do Province. The Odaesan edition refers to the copy of the annals that was stored at the archive on Mt. Odaesan situated in Pyongchang, Gangwon-do Province around 1606 (the 39th year of the reign of King Seonjo).

A total of 788 volumes had originally been stored at the National History Archive on Odasesan Mountain. However, only 75 volumes have survived to today. These are currently housed in the National Palace Museum of Korea. The 75 volumes are comprised of nine volumes of the annals of King Sejongjone, 50 on King Jungjong, 15 on King Seonjo, and one on King Hyojong. The volumes that are presented as the Curator’s Choice for November are proofreading copies of the annals of King Seongjong and King Jungjong. These volumes show various proofreading and editing marks, including on the changes to, deletions of, and additions to the letters, and are therefore highly valuable for allowing the observation of the details of the finishing stages of the process of publishing the annals.

The museum may currently be accessed only in accordance with the requirements in place to reduce the potential for the spread of COVID-19. Those who are unable to visit the gallery in person can still enjoy this month’s Curator’s Choice virtually through a video with Korean and English subtitles available on the museum’s website (gogung.go.kr). Our visitors can also see on the YouTube channels of the museum and of the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea.

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